What do Soil and Water Conservation Districts Do for You?


Soil and Water Conservation Districts, or SWCDs, are a political subdivision of state government authorized under the SWCD Act to provide assistance to the public in conserving and protecting soil, water, and other natural resources. There are 97 county based SWCD offices serving all 102 counties in the state.

SWCDS are non-taxing, non-regulatory, volunteer led, local government entities.


Soil and water conservation districts are charged with the responsibility to care for the states land, water, air, plant and animal resources through responsible land use. SWCDs work side by side with federal and state employees to install conservation practices that are funded through local, state or federal funds, as well as matching landowner contributions.

SWCDs provide rural and urban citizens alike with both technical assistance and services on a number of issues including; soil health, erosion and sedimentation control, water quality protection, storm water management, green infrastructure, farmland protection, flood prevention, land use issues, environmental protection programs and stream bank stabilization. SWCDs work with private landowners, homeowners, developers, and more on a voluntary basis to address locally identified resource concerns. This is accomplished through educational efforts, by providing technical assistance through trained staff, and offering financial assistance for eligible projects.

Among other things, SWCDs work to:

  • Protect groundwater resources to the benefit of communities.
  • Implement farm conservation practices to keep soil in the fields and out of waterways and prevent erosion.
  • Help landowners and others restore and protect habitat for pollinators and other wildlife.
  • Plant trees and other land cover to hold soil in place, clean the air, provide cover for wildlife and beautify neighborhoods.
  • Conserve and restore wetlands, which purify water and provide habitat for birds, fish and numerous other animals.
  • Design and implement conservation strategies that will offset the costly effects of flooding events.

SWCDs are the front line program delivery system for a number of state and federal agencies which include; Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA), Department of Agriculture (IDOA), as well as the United States Deparmtent of Agriculture’s Natural Resouce Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) and Farm Service Agency (USDA-FSA).


SWCDs work with individuals, private organizations, public entities, and more in the interest of protecting and conserving environmental and natural resources.

Specific examples of some agencies and organizations that SWCDs assist and the programs they assist with are as follows:

  • Farm Bill Programs administered by NRCS including EQIP, CSP and WRP
  • Farm Bill Programs administered by FSA including CRP, CREP and SAFE (SWCDs currently hold over 1,200 CREP easements.)
  • Landowner Incentive Program administered by US Fish and Wildlife Service
  • Habitat and Forestry Management Programs administered by US forest Service
  • Construction Permitting, Habitat Restoration and Land Treatment Programs administered by the US Army Corps of Engineers
  • Storm Water Management, Watershed Planning, Water Quality Improvement and Protection and Construction Permitting Programs administered by US EPA
  • Numerous grants and landowner payment programs administered by National Wild Turkey Federation, Pheasants Forever, Trees Forever, Ducks Unlimited, National Audubon Society, The Nature Conservancy, Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education and other organizations.

Soil and Water Conservation Districts, or SWCDs, are the front line program delivery and service providers  for a number of state and federal agencies, and can be considered the mutil-functional tool in the toolbox.

SWCDs work to on various conservation and natural resource subject matters which include;

  • Soils
  • Water quality and quantity
  • Forestry
  • Habitat and pollinators
  • Land use
  • Urban conservation
  • Conservation education and outreach

SWCDS work to safeguard and promote healthy soils across Illinois, whether they are used for agriculture, forestry, wildlife habitat, or grazing purposes. Soil is the foundation for life, and healthy soils are critical to maintaining food security at home and beyond.

Programs that SWCDs implement or participate in to accomplish desired goals:

  • Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Program
  • S.T.A.R. (Saving Tomorrow’s Agricultural Resources) Program
  • Partners for Conservation Program
  • USDA Soil Health Initiative
  • USDA Conservation Reserve Program
  • USDA Environmental Quality Incentives Program

SWCDs work to improve and protect water resources by providing technical assistance to rural and urban landowners to implement conservation practices that keep soil and contaminants in place, and not in water supplies. SWCDs  also work to protect water resources for human and animal consumption, and ensure that adequate supply is maintained.

Programs that SWCDs implement or participate in to accomplish desired goals:

  • Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Program
  • Nutrient Loss Reduction Program
  • Cover Crop Program
  • Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program
  • Illinois Water Use Act
  • Illinois Department of Natural Resources Water Supply Planning Program

SWCDs work with resource conservation partners to assist landowners with preserving and enhancing forest resources.

Programs that SWCDs implement or participate in to accomplish desired goals:

  • Illinois Forestry Development Act
  • Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program

SWCDs work with resource conservation partners to assist landowners with creating, restoring and protecting wildlife habitat. Additionally, SWCDs work to create, restore, and enhance pollinator habitat.

Programs that SWCDs implement or participate in to accomplish desired goals:

  • The Illinois Monarch Project
  • USDA Conservation Reserve Program
  • USDA Conservation Stewardship Program
  • USDA Agricultural Conservation Easement Program
  • USDA Environmental Quality Incentives Program
  • Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program

SWCDs provide numerous entities with assistance relating to land use, which can have implications for the development of lands.

Programs or services that SWCDs provide or participate in to accomplish desired goals:

  • Natural Resource Information Reports
  • Land Evaluation Site Assessment System
  • Agricultural Areas Conservation and Protection Act
  • Comprehensive Land Use Planning/Zoning

SWCDs work with urban homeowners, develops, and more on resource conservation issues.

Programs that SWCDs implement or participate in to accomplish desired goals:

  • Illinois Urban Manual
  • Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Program
  • Natural Resource Information Reports (site/soils suitability for urban construction)

SWCDs work with educators, students, news media, and others to provide awareness on the importance of natural resource conservation.

Activities that SWCDs participate in to accomplish desired goals:

  • Illinois Envirothon State Competition
  • Farm Progress Show
  • Illinois State Fair