The McLean County SWCD Board Members
McLean County Farmers and Landowners serving to protect our precious natural resources.
Chairman: Mike Kelley (Lexington)
Vice Chairman: Sally Breese (Lexington)
Treasurer: Howard Heatherwick (Bloomington)
Director: Irvin Bane (Bellflower)
Director: Jeff Mathews (LeRoy)
Past & Present Board of Directors
“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” ~ Elizabeth Andrew
Frank Hubert, Saybrook 1942-1947
Charles Richardson, Ellsworth 1942-1946
Byron Kline, LeRoy 1942-1948
E.D. Hess, Arrowsmith 1942-1946
Harry Miller, Saybrook 1942-1946
Vaughan Douglass, Shirley 1946-1948
Kenneth Benjamin, Bloomington 1946-1949
R.L. Schertz, Danvers 1947-1949
Glen Kemp, Lexington 1948-1950
Frances Harpole, Colfax 1948-1951
George Anderson, Saybrook 1948-1952
Lynn Pochel, Bloomington 1949-1953
Howard Elson, Chenoa 1950-1952
Robert Rengel, Bloomington 1950-1952
Edward Barnes, Arrowsmith 1952-1953
Herman Warsaw, Saybrook 1952-1958
L.E. Claudon, Chenoa 1952-1954
Walter Bode, Danvers 1952-1977
John English, Bloomington 1953-1974
George Parker, Bloomington 1953-1959
Merle Sutter, Normal 1954-1956
William Freed, Lexington 1956-1984
Hartzell Henline, Colfax 1958-1964
Edwin Perry, Arrowsmith 1959-1971
John Marquis, Colfax 1964-1994
Tobey Bane, Bellflower 1975-1986
Gerald Milton, Heyworth 1971-1993
Donald Pleines, Danvers 1978-1988
Herbert Litwiller, Heyworth 1981-1986
Mark Freed, Lexington 1985-1995
Dave Freed, Lexington 1996-1999
Dale Ernst, Danvers 1986-1988
Dan Brucker 1994-1998
Mike Miller, Danvers 1988-2002
Steve Musselman, Danvers 2002-2013
Beverly Miller, Danvers 2013-2016
Mikel Fonger, McLean 1993-2021
Mike Kelley, Lexington 1999-Present
Sally Breese, Lexington 1998-Present
Irvin Bane, Bellflower 1986-Present
Howard Heatherwick, Bloomington 2016-Present
Jeff Mathews, LeRoy 2021-Present