The McLean County Soil and Water Conservation District

The McLean County Soil and Water Conservation District proudly preserves McLean County’s most valuable resources. Our desire to protect soil and water, and serve area producers is 82 years strong. The experienced staff and strong dedication to conservation gives landowners professional options and solutions to protect their investment. The past and present District Board of Directors has given this county the strong leadership and correct direction to maintain the rich agricultural integrity of McLean County.

McLean County is the largest and one of the richer agricultural counties in the state of Illinois. It owes this distinction to the heritage of a fertile soil- a soil developed over centuries from the accumulation and deterioration of plant and animal life.

McLean County Soil and Water Conservation DistrictTall dense growth of bluestem and other grasses carpeted the prairie. Lakes and swamps dotted the landscape. Heavy growths of trees and underbrush covered many of the slopes, fish, birds, and wild animals abounded. But alas, man came and appropriated these resources to his own benefit. He cut the forest, he killed the wildlife-he plowed the prairies- he exploited the fertility of the soil. He destroyed organic matter-he muddied the waters. Erosion by wind and water followed his erring course.

In order to focus attention on these devastating processes and to halt these ruthless in roads on this sacred heritage and to restore the some degree the vital assets of plant food elements, the McLean County Soil Conservation District was organized in the spring of 1942. The nine southeast townships in the county, being those in the upper Sangamon river valley, comprised the original district. It was enlarged to include the entire county in the spring of 1944 and water was later added to the name. It is composed of and controlled by landowners who have elected their own Board of Directors working in conjunction with local and state agencies.  Through the facilities made possible by the organization, technical assistance with problems of building and maintaining soil fertility and controlling erosion is now available to all landowners and operators in the county.

2024 Conservationist of the Year

Our 2024 recipient of McLean County Conservationist of the year award goes to a man that “Does it because it’s the right thing to do”. Greg Kelley is a lifelong farmer, with a passion passed on from generations, his family has occupied land north of Normal since the late 1800s. Like many of our McLean County farm operations, its a family business that includes brothers, cousins, and nephews working together on a shared goal. Greg and Frances Kelley have been involved in conservation practices and programs for more than 20 years at the USDA office. Their farms include reduced tillage, cover crop adoption, nutrient management with designed waterways, and water and sediment control basins. They outline streams and creeks with filter strips, and field borders that support wildlife habitat and promote nutrient management. They have installed pollinator habitat, and even leave standing grain for wildlife. Greg is a farm bureau member, FFA alumni and has been the Towanda Drainage District Commissioner now for 20 years. McLean County Conservationists of the year preserve this incredible resource we have for generations to come. In the words of Greg Kelley, “It’s just the right thing to do”. Congratulations Greg Kelley, on being awarded for this year’s McLean County Conservationist of the year!

The Watersheds of McLean County

Every person on this planet lives in a watershed.  A watershed is the area that drains water to the same place.  During every rainfall, the surface water flows into a stream, river, or lake.  Some of that water ends up in your glass after it travels through the water cycle!

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Trees & Fish

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The McLean County Soil and Water Conservation District does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, religion, color, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status or disability. This policy covers all programs, services and procedures of the District, including employment. The USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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